Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What is the 0Xc000007B Errors - How To Fix 0Xc000007B Errors?

0Xc000007B Error is a Windows operating system error that stems from a file or setting in your computer that is not working properly. This error inevitably leads to Windows not being able to load the affected files, causing severe problems and/or crashes in your system. The 0xc000007Berror typically shows up when you try to use Microsoft applications like Internet Explorer, or any of the Visual Studio programs, and will prevent you from using these programs. This annoying error message will not go away until you resolve whatever is causing the error. Fortunately, this tutorial will help you resolve the 0xc000007B errors on your PC for good.

What Causes 0Xc000007B Errors?

The error will usually appear in this format:

"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application."
The error is usually caused by Windows not being able to process a required file or setting of the program you are attempting to use. The error can also be caused by problematic programs with damaged files, virus infections that target Microsoft programs, or by problems inside the registry. You need to be able to accurately identify the source of the problem to be able to repair it.

How To Fix 0Xc000007B Errors

The way to fix 0xc000007B errors requires you to re-install any program that displays the error, and then clean out your system of viruses. Finally, you will need to update your Windows system. The first thing that you need to do is re-install problematic programs by first removing them and then running the file installer. This process will provide error-free copies of your program files, ensuring that all parts of the program are working properly. Following this, the next step is to scan your system using specialist anti-malware software such as XOFTSPY, which can accurately detect the presence of viruses and rid these infections from your computer. Doing so will ensure that your system is no longer compromised by malicious software. You also need to update Windows and get the latest fixes and upgrades from the Microsoft website. Do this by clicking Start > All Programs > Windows Update. Follow the update wizard and reboot your computer when prompted.

The last step is a bit more complicated, and involves cleaning out the registry of your computer. This database is responsible for a great many errors in your system, because it is the location of all the configuration settings of your files and programs. Should these files get damaged (as often happens), then errors like the 0xc000007Berror will frequently occur. To guarantee no more 0xc000007B errors, you need to clean out your registry by using a reliable Registry Cleaner application that can accurately detect broken registry keys which are producing errors and effectively repair them. We recommend that you download "Frontline Registry Cleaner", as it is favoured by computer technicians and has been proven to quickly restore your PC's health by fixing 99% of errors found.

You can fix 0xc000007b errors on your PC by using the tutorial and tools on our website. You can Click Here to fix the 0xc000007b errors on your system.

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